Let's create a BLACK Renaissance in the 21st Century

To do so, we must compromisingly work together to achieve our ambitions. We now have the needed, technology platforms on which we can plan & implement the development strategies below at scale. Now there aren't any excuses. Let's make the changes we've always wanted and spoken about.

Organize Efficiently & Effectively

Coordination, Cooperation & Collaboration equals change

Practice Cooperative Economics

Circulating money within the Community benefits members

Build Community Controlled Wealth

Little from many to acquire income-producing assets

The development strategies are implemented as Social Enterprises. Sign up and participate.


A Participatory platform where Members discuss, debate, deliberate, and compromise to find consensus, and collaborate on common ambitions


A Social platform where Members interact together and network as individuals, non-profit organizations, and companies, to build Communities


A Fundraising platform where Members pool funds to purchase income-producing assets thereby building community-owned and controlled wealth